King Saud University (KSU) delegation

June 2013 As the largest Higher Education Centre in Saudi Arabia, KSU, located in the capital city of Riyadh, goes back in history more than fifty years, displaying principal focus

Athena SWAN Success: Elizabeth Dubois

June 2013 The British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) holds a ‘Research Presentations Day’ each year where women postgraduate students are invited to give short presentations of their research work.

January 2013

In January, staff from the Centre also successfully published ‘Diabetes or war? Limb amputation in Lebanon 2007’ in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. They welcomed a new member to

Post-Conflict Health in Libya

In November 2012, the WHO Collaborating Centre research team and Director, Professor Salman Rawaf, undertook a 2-week WHO assignment to assess the post-conflict health system in Libya.  The WHO Collaborating